Advocating For Justice In Consumer Disputes

Advocating For Justice In Consumer Disputes

Announcing Office Hours!

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2014 | Firm News


First Session: Friday, January 24, 4:00 – 5:30 PM(ET) with Attorney Daniel Blinn


Not our physical office – those are still M-F, 9-5.  As a service to our clients and friends, we are now offering an on-line “virtual” open office where you can log in and ask us any questions you may have about your legal rights, so long as they have at least some relationship to consumer law.

 All Office Hours will be conducted on a Google+ “Hangout”, which is a live chat on the internet.  If you have a webcam, then you can show up on camera.  Or, if you have a mic, you can talk to us. Or, if your prefer, you can just listen.  If you don’t have a microphone or speakers on your computer, then you can chat with a keyboard.  There may be other people in the Hang Out, so please remember that you will not be having a private conversation.* Below are the instructions you will need in order to access the Office Hours.    If you already use Google+, you can add us to your circles at

If you are not set up on Google+, then you will need to set up an account.  It is free.


To Set Up A Google+ account: 


1.  In your web browser, go to


2.  Underneath the sign in box, click “create account.”


 a.  (If you already use gmail, youtube or other google products, you already have a google account.  You may enter that information in the sign in box to set up Google+.)


3.  Google+ will walk you through the process of setting up your account.  After you have completed the steps to set up your account, direct your web browser to


4.  Once you’ve arrived at our page, you will see a red button that says “Follow”.  Click the button to add Consumer Law Group to your circles.     You must “follow” Consumer Law Group to your circles to access Office Hours.   


 5.  Next to that box, there will also be a white box with a “+” and a number next to that.  Click on that box (it will turn red) to “+1” Consumer Law Group’s page.  This will help to make sure that you get our updates.


6.  Once we see that you have followed our page, we will add you to our circles.  Once you have been added to our circles, you will be able to attend Office Hours.  For this reason, we suggest you set up your profile and follow Consumer Law Group before the day of the Office Hours. 

 .To Access Our Office Hours:.

1.  Go to Consumer Law Group’s Google  Plus page


2.  Scroll down the page and you will see a list of “posts” made by Consumer Law Group.  One of the posts will be for a “Hangout” called “Office Hours”.  Click on “join” to enter the office hours.  You may be required to perform a quick download and software install before entering.  This is normal and is not a virus.


3.  Once you’ve entered the Office Hours hangout, you will see a screen with a menu of icons on the left side.  Click on the blue button (at the top of the icon list) to pull up the chat feature.  A window called “Group Chat” will appear at the right side of the screen.


a.  To send a message that everyone in the chat will see, simply type your message in the box at the bottom right corner of the screen.


b.  You can also send private messages.  To send a private message to Consumer Law Group, type “/to C” (Without the quotation marks) followed by 1 space and then your message. If you want to send more than one private message to Consumer Law Group, you must type “/to C” before each message.


c.  If a question is sent by private message, the moderator will repeat the question to the group, but will not say the name of the person asking the question.  Please note that, even if you ask questions privately, other users will be able to see that you are present at the chat.



4. Due to Google+’s rules, only 10 people will be allowed on the chat at once.  If the chat is full, try back in a few minutes after other users have signed out.



*Consumer Law Group’s “Office Hours” are provided to our friends and clients for informative and educational purposes only.  Any statements made by Consumer Law Group representatives during Office Hours should not be considered legal advice and should not be relied upon as legal advice.  Additionally, any statements that you make or information that you receive during “Office Hours” should not be considered an attorney-client communication.  Interactions during “Office Hours” are not subject to the attorney-client privilege. No attorney-client relationship  arises from your participation in Office Hours.


