Advocating For Justice In Consumer Disputes

Advocating For Justice In Consumer Disputes

Understanding Connecticut’s Lemon Laws

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2024 | Lemon Law

The state of Connecticut was one of the first to enact Lemon laws to assist owners of cars that are less than 2 years old or have less than 24,000 miles on them. The law applies to all new vehicles sold or leased in the state, including motorcycles, passenger cars, and commercial vehicles. 

Chapter 743b of Connecticut’s General Statutes defines it as a law that enables consumers to initiate informal arbitration with the Department of Consumer Protection against the manufacturer of a passenger car that is still under warranty and meets specific criteria in a timely, convenient and cost-effective manner. The customer may be entitled to a refund of all money paid for the defective vehicle or a new vehicle under the protection of this statute. They may be reimbursed for any incidental costs, such as legal fees, license and registration fees, car rental fees and repair costs. 

How to tell if you bought a lemon

Your vehicle can qualify as a “lemon” under Connecticut law if the following conditions are met:

  • You are a resident of Connecticut and have either bought or leased a new car.
  • The vehicle is a passenger vehicle, motorcycle or passenger vehicle, as stated above.
  • There are manufacturing flaws in your vehicle that happened and were reported to the manufacturer or an authorized dealer during the first two years after you bought it, or within the first 24,000 miles.

If your vehicle meets the requirements, you may be eligible to make a lemon law claim against the manufacturer if the defect persists after repair attempts. The outcome of your case depends on the specific details of your situation and how they are presented. To enhance your chances of success, it is recommended that you seek guidance to help you through the arbitration process.

